There’s a beautiful light spring rain keeping me inside today, so I will take a moment to catch up with the blog. Whenever I have a few hours of nice weather, I have been outside working my way around the garden, cutting back old growth in anticipation of beautiful new spring growth. Well — just like that — everything is turning green! And despite my efforts to get everything done and picture-worthy, it’s spring! I still have five large grasses to trim and 50 more bags of mulch to spread out, but I’m enjoying every minute of it! I promise to have everything in place by my next set of photos, but until then, here’s where I am now. Hope you will get outside and enjoy this season too, and feel the warm sun after this long winter.

The pear tree is in full bloom today. The daylilies and euonymus are sporting their fresh new leaves.

My sea of periwinkle blooms covers and disguises a drainage pipe from the rain gutter. With all the rain we’ve had this spring, it is blooming like crazy!

If you have cement benches like these, don’t forget to clean the algae from them. Otherwise you will have a green seat from sitting on them. I like to use oxi-clean and then rinse well. Doesn’t hurt the plants.

Even the tendrils of pollen hanging from the curly willow are a springtime yellow, and finally the grass is green again.

Even though it was damaged by heavy loads of ice and snow this past winter, the creeping phlox is starting to bloom…

So, until then, we’ll have to wait and see if the wisteria is going to flower this year, fingers crossed it will! Enjoy your spring!
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